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Summer Mango Mania

Featured, Kitchen

Mexican-Mango Oleo-Saccharum

June 25, 2023

A  flavor-laden libation syrup made from mango peels

I love the exploratory process of creating new recipes, getting to travel through so many unknowns as I connect ideas and ingredients. Exploring new and unfamiliar possibilities with my creativity  fills me with incredible joy. This new recipe brought a lot of joy in the creation process and in the enjoyment of the drink, which I’m currently sipping on whilst I type.

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Farm, Featured, News

“Little” Fruit Brings Opportunity

May 31, 2023

Crespo mango expertise bridges transition into Summer Mango Mania

 I’ve been selling organic mangoes for a long time and, as so many of us forget, the greatest season-long program success happens when you nail the transitions. It’s the performance during the transition that dictates what stores have fruit and at what price. Just like in music, those connecting notes, the transitions is what leads you to the next phase of the whole. We take the transitions seriously, we get creative and we utilize the partnerships we forget with customers, making it work. Clear communication, more than anything is pivotal for any transitional success, in particular when there are volume supply or quality issues at play. The direct relationships to customers and the nimble work we do together, with the trust of the consumers who fuel our program, make the transitions easier to maneuver through so we can build and grow successful organic Mexican mango programs…. This is what we are known for.

The Crespo’s fully and vertically integrated supply chain and direct-trade selling system is what makes them the mango experts. It’s because of that expertise we will not skip a beat in the final days of the great mango transition, which is when a regional production shift from southern Oaxaca & Chiapas to Northern Nayarit and Sinaloa happens.

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Featured, News

What the Heck is Summer Mango Mania?

May 11, 2023

Quick answer: #MangoJoy by way of #MuchosMangoes PRICED RIGHT

Summer:  the warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from June to August
Mango: a tropical oval or oblong fruit with succulent and juicy aromatic pulp and firm varying color blush toned skin and a hard central pit
Mania: an excessive enthusiasm or desire; an obsession

 The mango’s popularity is soaring to new heights amongst Americans as they learn what the rest of the world already knew about the most widely consumed fruit globally. It is versatile and delicious and, thanks to the proximity of Mexico and Crespo Organic, priced perfectly at the peak of summertime.

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Featured, News, Secrets & Lies

Mango Mania Begins- Despite Mango Chaos

June 23, 2022

Climate-induced unpredictability & heightened demand creates chaos in mangoland

The show must go on. Our annual summer promotion, Crespo Organic Summer Mango Mania #MuchosMangoes starts today despite ultra-chaotic, confused markets particularly on the conventional side, which creates significate pressures on the organic side of things. Despite considerably delays with the Nayarit fruit starting, our show goes on and we expect our peak volumes and the mango mania to coincide with the month of July, kind of as planned.

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Featured, Kitchen

Crespo Organic Summer Mango Mania Events Calendar – 2022

June 20, 2022


Are you ready for  #MuchosMangoes & #MangoJoy ?

Crespo Organic Summer Mango Mania #MuchosMangoes is here and the Crespo Organic Kitchen is going to make it extra special this summer.

What is Crespo Summer Mango Mania, you might ask? It’s the collision point between our peak production time in Nayarit & Sinaloa and the height of consumer demand, better known as; SUMMER TIME! For two months, in the heat of the summer, between June and August, while orchards are most copious, Mango Mania frenzy ensues! Crespo Organic Summer Mango Mania desires to Educate, Excite Engage and Entice mango consumers with sweet price points and juicy sales, delicious culinary and educational events and a general spreading of useful, relevant mango education.

We offer a full spectrum of creative and reliable resources and experiences, designed to stimulate, and entice purchases at the store level, as well as educate and arouse consumers digitally and in person.  It’s essentially the spreading of #MangoJoy and the building of loyal mango eaters.

  • Social Media Contests & Giveaways
  • Mango Tips & Tricks
  • Demos and Tastings
  • Culinary Education
  • #ChooseYourCut
  • Cooking Classes
  • KICK Events
  • Farmer Talks
  • Commodity Education
  • Recipes and Recipe Videos
  • Swag

All brought to you by the Crespo Organic Kitchen, which is essentially the test kitchen for all things Crespo Organic, managed by me (Nissa)  and my company Ger-Nis Culinary & Herb Center ; a small food  education,   sales & marketing  and media company;  specializing in local, organic, fairly traded,   sustainable food and agricultural. Ger-Nis  supports small global growers and organic brands around the world in with a bevy of services, skills and connections.

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Featured, Kitchen

Fright Night Kitchen Reels with Tina DeGraff

June 15, 2022

Tina DeGraff (@the_SaltGypsy) shows us how to make our favorite Crespo recipes

Event Description: Tina DeGraff Martinez is a food stylist, recipe developer and culinary producer by trade and a teacher of cooking by heart! Her popular Instagram page (@the_saltGypsy) excels at demonstrating some of the best cooking and food prep tips  around, all that are easy to follow and totally relatable. She’s wickedly skilled but excels at teaching professional skills to the general public. We are  BIG fans and have been for many, many years! She believes in eating well, but knows that we build better habits one day at a time. We feel super lucky to have her featured during Summer Mango Mania, cooking up our Crespo Organic Kitchen recipes. We are all going to learn a lot from her!

Date(s): Every Friday Night Between June 19th – July 31st
Time: 6:00 PM CST
Location: VIRTUAL! Watch on Instagram Reels!

Details: @CrespoOrganic Instagram

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Featured, Kitchen

Live! From the Crespo Organic Kitchen

June 15, 2022

Learn from, cook with or just watch our in house mango cracker-jack’s (Nissa) mango prowess


Event Description: Tuesdays are the perfect day to jump on Instagram and watch LIVE!! what’s happening inside the Crespo Organic Kitchen in Blue Eye, Mo. Nissa, who also directs the organic mango program for El Grupo Crespo is a noted culinary expert and founder of Ger-Nis Culinary & Herb Center. She’s been lending, expanding and sharing her culinary herbal expertise for over 25 years now and has become a leader in mango recipe development. She’s a noted cooking instructor, food writer and recipe developer. In addition  to handling all the organic sales for Crespo she (and herb Ger-Nis team) manages all of the marketing content, PR and branding for Crespo Organic and RCF. Almost off of the recipes and photography you see throughout our website, POP materials, social media and blogs is hers. She will be the first to admit she has a great culinary and marketing team- the elves that edit and tweak her creative ideas into perfection.

You will always find her traveling the globe in search of food and cultural knowledge and ideas, while working with small farmers in her produce consultancy business specializing in sustainable, organic, fair trade and local agriculture. She writes about fresh herbs on her blog and educates consumers about organic mangoes

Every Tuesday during Summer Mango Mania you will find her live on Crespo’s instagram and sometimes also on her own. She’s fun to watch and her recipes are easily recreated with success.

Date(s): Every Tuesday Between June 19th – July 31st
Time: 7:30 PM PM CST
Location: VIRTUAL! Watch on Instagram!

Details: @CrespoOrganic Instagram or @PicoyPero (Nissa’s Instagram)

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Featured, Kitchen, People

Instagram Reels Sundays #CrespoPeople

June 14, 2022

Summer Mango Mania Education (The People)

Event Description: Crespo Organic is a Mexican Organic produce brand specializing in the production, distribution and marketing of organic mangoes.  The brand is part of El Grupo Crespo, a Mexican family business that began around 1960 with local market chili peppers and which rapidly expanded into production and packing of fresh mangoes.  Crespo Organic Mangoes/RCF Produce (El Grupo Crespo’s USA distribution and marketing company) are one of the largest  Mexican- direct trade growers, shippers and marketers, as well as direct consumer product educators of organic mangoes in North America.

We grow, ship and pack mangoes all over Mexico. We market all over North America.

Our people are the roots of our brand. We want you to know us/them! Jump onto Instagram every Sunday during Summer Mango Mania and learn who they are. They are also our customers, retailers and shoppers, including the little Crespo niños out there!

Date(s): Every Sunday Between June 19th – July 31st
Time: 1:00 PM CST
Location: VIRTUAL! Watch on Instagram!

Details: @CrespoOrganic Instagram

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Featured, News

What the heck is Crespo Organic Summer Mango Mania?

June 13, 2022

Quick answer: #MangoJoy by way of #MuchosMangoes PRICED RIGHT

Summer:  the warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from June to August
Mango: a tropical oval or oblong fruit with succulent and juicy aromatic pulp and firm varying color blush toned skin and a hard central pit
Mania: an excessive enthusiasm or desire; an obsession

 The mango’s popularity is soaring to new heights amongst Americans as they learn what the rest of the world already knew about the most widely consumed fruit globally. It is versatile and delicious and, thanks to the proximity of Mexico and Crespo Organic, priced perfectly at the peak of summertime.

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Featured, News

Pick Your Promotion!

March 16, 2022

Crespo Organic 2022 Season Promotional Calendar is Out!

Bits and pieces or the whole package… we have what you need, and it’s not just #MuchosMangoes sales! We can help you build and shape durable mango programs that educate, engage and entice your shoppers all season long and keep them coming back for more. Season after season you’ll be met with a reputable, reliable brand—a Direct-Trade program, no less—from orchard to table. It’s the real thing!

Download Your Interactive PDF Promo_Calendar2022








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