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Mexican (Organic) Mango Crop Update

February 2, 2024

Amidst adversity, signs of hope blossom

One grower described this season to me like this “completely impossible to predict much of anything in the orchards.” Most agree that predictions of any kind are not easy to make, particularly this season, as has been demonstrated in the chaos of contracts and commitments.

As more of us engage in processing larger quantities of Mexican mangoes, additional information is gathered. That information is useful. At present, the best I can offer is sharing my most up-to-date intel from the orchards.

Despite the challenges, there is more of the same (bad) news plus a glimmer of hope in the form of brilliant, beautiful mango blossoms.

Early volumes were impacted by the late December windy weather and some generally adverse temperatures, causing some issues. Some growers are not totally clear, what exactly has happened. The result, regardless is where we are now, limited finite volumes, less than normal, availability for the months of February and most of March. The situation is further obviously gravely exacerbated by the challenges in Peru’s crop.

Since most packhouses have been processing an ample amount of fruit, we can report more details on the nuances like sizing. Ataulfo sizing is trending towards the medium category, averaging 16-18-20 counts. Large fruit will be scarcer, even in orchards known for producing large southern fruit, with yields being medium. Fortunately, this aligns with market pricing considerations. Crespo Organic Ataulfo volumes continue to be sufficient, and all sizes are available, with promotional opportunities on smaller fruit.

Round mangoes are also yielding medium sizes, offering 8-9-10 counts (not a cause for major complaint). Market volumes remain extremely tight overall. While our volumes are increasing weekly, we anticipate limited supplies to persist through February and the initial weeks of March. Remember organic mangoes lack supply from Central America, this southern Mexican fruit is the primary source since Peru is mostly vacant from the market.

There is beautiful brightness ahead in the form of lots of mango blooms creating positive growing expectation of abundant fruit towards the end of March and into April. Currently, Oaxacan fields are displaying massive bloom and exceptional bloom set. Michoacán is also in full bloom, showing promising set. These blooms and bloom set will translate into mangoes ready for harvesting come late March, and we eagerly anticipate their sweet rewards.

Until then we encourage you to take a closer look at the fascinating process of how a mango bloom appears and transforms into fruit.

Read the details Under The Mango Tree – MANGO BLOOMS WOW!

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