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Featured, Kitchen

A Simple Mango Cake for Mother’s Day

May 12, 2018

Sometimes simplicity can lead us to a place beyond opulence

Some might argue that I shouldn’t have a voice for  mothers or mothering, after all I don’t have kids of my own and I haven’t had a relationship with my own mother for over thirty-four years, a decision I sit comfortably with, mind you.   Arguably, (my dad always said I liked to argue), I would assert, that because I don’t have kids or a mother, I have excellent far-sighted vision towards the act of mothering. With that I have come to recognize the paramount value of mothers and their nurturing powers and prowess. I have spent many hours in life cooing over mothers and their relationships as I travel the globe. I derive great joy from observing mothers in their natural state of being and loving purely.

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Featured, Kitchen

Mango Caramel 3 Ways

October 26, 2016

Foolproof Caramel Recipes Using Mangoes: Salted (Classic), Faux and Tropical Vegan

There is no one way to make caramel. The variances of technique, ingredients and measurements are ample. It’s really a matter of taste and personal preference that guide choices. And when it comes to caramel there is one overlying rule: practice makes perfect.

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Featured, Kitchen

The Versatile Upside-Down Cake Gets a Tropical Twist with Mangoes

May 22, 2016

The Cake!



An upside down cake that’s naturally sweet

Nearly every fruit can be made into an upside down cake, it’s such a simple way to enjoy fresh fruit and cake simultaneously.

Mangoes are perfect for this cake because they give it a beautiful, vibrant color and add a natural sweetness, which allows for a less sugary cake batter. The perfect balance of tart and sweet. The perfumy aromas of mangoes are intensified when baked, and thus this experience is like aromatherapy.

I prefer a cast iron skillet for this recipe (and, frankly, for all my upside down cakes). I feel that the fruit has a more caramelized flavor and texture when I use this kind of pan. When using a well-seasoned cast iron skillet the fruit tends to release itself from the bottom of the pan with greater ease.

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