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Mango Update: Embracing Imperfection

June 4, 2024

Straggling Ugly Mangoes  & The First Summer Mango Mania Displays

 As of this weekend, all packinghouses in Oaxaca and Chiapas have shut down for the season. The last batch of round mangoes was shipped out of our packinghouse, Bola de Oro, last Friday. The final shipment of Oaxacan Ataulfo mangoes had occurred about a week earlier. The transition from south to north appeared “fine,” but, as I have mentioned before, it was actually a challenging shift. These changes in regional volumes are often difficult, particularly on the organic side of things, which is my primary focus, from where I sit,  under my mango tree.

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{Organic} Transition North

May 10, 2024

Positive direction forward, propelled by consumers

When times are tough, as they have been for the mango industry it’s important to keep perspective, something I can be both good and bad at as stress can get the best of me, just like it does all of us. But perspective is important and there is no better place to find produce perspective than through those that have boots on the ground. My latest crop report is speckled with a lot of positivity and a reminder that even when times are tough its possible to create a chain of success throughout the entire chain….from orchard to table. I’m not denying its been hard, I’m simply acknowledging that by working together we create a thriving mango environment that moves forward, despite the setbacks!

I recently had the pleasure of attending the Four Seasons Fresh Fest for the second year in a row. This even is truly an amazing experience. I don’t often work a booth, Id always rather work a tasting and cutting demo at retail, but this even is the one that gets me off my busy butt and on a plane into the middle of Pennsylvania. I do it because it puts me in touch with the fruits of all of our labor and this year I needed that more than most.

Meeting with a multitude of small, medium and large retailers and produce managers along with the sales people that engage with these folks daily gets me to the heart of the selling side and a closer perspective of the shopper, who essentially rules all. I get the opportunity to understand various problems from different perspectives, sow seeds for solutions, and foster human connections. It’s a reminder that our interactions are about more than just transactions.

During the same eventful weekend, we had the pleasure of directly connecting with consumers at one of our Mango Tastings & Cutting Demos during the grand opening of a new Nature’s Food Markets store in New Jersey, alongside Four Seasons. This opportunity not only deepened our insights, spread more #MangoJoy more directly from farm to table, educated more mango shoppers and as one person put it, ” sold a sh*it ton of mangoes!”

Despite the persistent challenges faced this mango season, which I have continuously reported on, I made a remarkable discovery during my excursion east. Despite the difficulties, customers and consumers continue to experience significant #mangojoy, driving consistent and profitable sales of #muchosmangoes, and remaining relatively joyous and excited about mangoes despite the higher market prices we’re all grappling with.

My latest crop report is set against the backdrop of this – it’s viewed through new mango blush-colored lens. In essence, I see a lot more positivity, and I’m certain that all of us who have been toiling behind the scenes, especially Jose Angel Crespo, who bears the most stress of any of us, can appreciate this newfound perspective.

Bottom line the season is tough, and it is expected on the organic side to remain tough for several more weeks before we feel some respite when production transitions to the more voluminous production zones in the north, where our main packhouse Empaque Don Jorge- Latin Americas largest hydrothermic mango packhouse, eagerly awaits packing more fruit.

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Season Opener – The Consumer Favorite

January 24, 2024

Ataulfo’s offer up  a mega does of #MangoJoy amidst serious season complexities

The onset of the Mexican mango season is anticipated to bring significant complexity and is expected to persist as such for several months. First up, as always Mexico’s yellow slipper, the Ataulfo mango. A beloved consumer favorite and one of the fastest growing mango varietals in the US market.

As Ataulfo mangoes are picked and packed and transported up Mexico and across the border to retailers nationwide, they navigate through the challenges of a turbulent Peruvian season. Unfortunately, the Peruvian season, impacted severely by merciless El Niño weather during blooming stages, has not yielded any sufficient volume, leaving large empty pipelines throughout the global mango industry. Traditionally, the US market during this period is flooded with lower-priced Peruvian fruit, but the current scenario sees Peruvian growers struggling with volumes and unable to meet even a portion of the worldwide demand, leading to chaos with farmers searching for the highest bidder in markets across Europe, Asia, and the USA.

The challenging Peruvian situation in the US market puts immense pressure on the commencement of the Mexican season. Retailers find themselves not only attempting to bridge the gap but also facing total panic for the upcoming months when mangoes are typically the most promotable fruit. Contracts are in disarray, and a veil of silence shrouds the realities south of the border, contributing to unprecedented market confusion.

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Farm, Featured, News

Organic Ataulfos {Slowly Kind Of} Start Now

January 16, 2024

Mexican mango season starts slowly amidst an empty pipeline…..

I’m back from a beach break in Puerto Rico, a much needed respite before another Mexican mango season begins. This break proved to be a wise decision, considering the anticipated complexity of the looming mango season, perhaps even more complex than usual and mostly just at the onset.

In my last crop report, “A Christmas Mango Teaser,” my message was a mix of positive news alongside Roberto’s warning about the strong winds prevailing at that time. Many expected wind damage resulting in some gaps, prompting us to wait before assessing the situation.

Unfortunately, the wind did cause damage by dislodging blooms and even some set fruit, creating numerous small gaps from orchard to orchard. This will impact volumes at the onset and during the initial weeks of the season. Essentially, supplies will be limited for most of February but are expected to increase and stabilize as we progress into March.

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Farm, Featured, Kitchen, News

A Christmas Mango Teaser

December 20, 2023

Generally jolly good orchard news,  a sprinkle of bah humbug
& my best holiday mango recipes

 Roberto Crespo, a member of the #HermanosCrespos “band” or what I consider the lead singer of our south, is currently and like usual, deeply rooted in the soils of Oaxaca and Chiapas preparing for the season start up.  This week he is sharing some encouraging updates direct from our Mexican mango orchards down there, which feels like the best Christmas news ever! He sprinkles a little bah humbug on our festive mood, reporting of some serious wind currently swirling the orchards, noting it could be concerning for fruit supply farther into the season. I will report back with my usual New Year/ New Season Mexican Mango Predictions next week with more details from Roberto.  Consider this just a little teaser of Christmas hope before we all break for the holiday. Today, I want mostly to sprinkle a bit of #MangoJoy on us for the Mexican mango season ahead with the scarcity of positive offshore organic mango news, I thought some flashes of good news would be a nice change.

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Farm, Featured, News

Empaque Don Jorge II Open for the Season in Chiapas

January 14, 2023

Plus, an additional NEW packhouse,  Bola de Oro opens in Oaxaca

Back in 2019, just prior to the mango season, El Grupo Crespo opened Empaque Don Jorge II (EDJII) in Ocozocoautla de Espinosa, Chiapas, or – as the locals call it – Coita. It was the Crespo family’s second proprietary mango packhouse, plus several hundred supporting hectares of organic mango orchards. The expanded mango volumes and increased packing outputs allowed the family business to expand and grow. This season El Grupo starts their 2023 mango programs with even more volume, more capacity and more varietals. It’s exciting for me to witness their growth and see the family rewarded with recognition from the industry, retailers, wholesalers and processors.

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Farm, Featured, News

Early Rain Damage & Lots of Optimism

December 21, 2022

It’s beginning to look at lot like a prosperous Mexican Mango Season

 It’s that time of the year again when you all forget about fruits and vegetables amidst all the holiday hubbub, and also the time of the year when I begin thinking excessively about mangoes as we begin to prepare for the upcoming Mexican Mango Season!

I’m not going to lie, I get giddy with anticipation of all the mangoes to come, usually cooking up something mango-centric to ring in the holiday season. This year it was my Mango Pork Mole & Christmas Tamales and a very special Mexican Mezcal Pechuga Mango Milk Punch. My excitement for mangoes had already been  jostled more than normal for this time of year since fresh back from a recent trip to Egypt where I had been pleasantly surprised by all the mangoes.

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