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Specialty Mangoes

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3 Minute Mango Expertise: Jorge Crespo

June 25, 2024

The Crespo Mango Man dishes on what it takes to do specialty mangoes

“If you sell it, I will grow it.” Jorge Crespo on the simplicity of the specialty mango saga!

I love unraveling ideas, discovering truths, appreciating complexities, and sharing information. This Summer Mango Mania season, I’m excited to introduce my new series: 3 Minute Mango Expertise. In these videos, I explore various aspects of the mango supply chain, from orchard to table, by interviewing mango experts and sharing all the sweet details with you. Each short 3-minute video will capture the essence of each interview and I’ll supplement each 3 minute video with a blog post and the full length video interview, for those like me, who want more than just short snippets. This series aims to expand minds and provide access to valuable information simultaneously. Helping make the supply chain, from the orchards all the way to the consumer’s table a clear delineated line- which is essentially the motto of my mango blog…Under my mango tree, all is shared…..

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Featured, Kitchen, News

Crespo Organic Debuts Opulent Specialty Mango Tags

July 2, 2023

Educational, Insightful, & Strategic Packaging

Mango Queen Specialty Mangoes- Check out the site!

I am very proud of the  work we are releasing today with the launch of the new Mango Queen specialty mango line!! I am very proud of the  Crespo Organic Mango brand in general– not just in relation to my work in creating its modern form, but also the work of the countless others in El Grupo Crespo who shaped it’s reality, regardless of the marketing. The brand is essentially a modern manifestation of founder Roberto Crespo Fitch’s original vision: that hard work, expertise, and innovation toward growing quality mangoes, while nurturing the community on which said mangoes are grown, will bring success. Success for the family, the business, the community, and mango eaters, too.

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Farm, Featured, Product

Crespo Organic Nam Doc Mai

August 1, 2022

Thailand’s most famous dessert mango #HechoEnMexico

Where exactly is Jorge the Crespo Mango Man these days? We haven’t seen him in a while, which usually means he’s deep in the thickets of his secret projects.

Jorge Crespo is one of the four Crespo siblings, who alongside his mother run the family agricultural business ( El Grupo Crespo) that was established in 1960 in El Rosario, Sinaloa, Mexico by Jorge Longinos Crespo, Jorge’s grandfather and whom he was named after.

Jorge (Crespo) has a deep passion for all things new and different and a totally forward-thinking personality. All the Crespo siblings inherited this from their father, Roberto Crespo Fitch, who built Empaque Don Jorge in 1971 and began the family’s venture into the global world of growing, packing and exporting mangoes, and paving the way for Jorge’s sweet and intoxicating journey into growing the worlds most coveted mango cultivars in Mexico.

El Grupo Crespo’s aim is not simply to increase production and consumption of organic Mexican mangoes but to do so in a way that creates long term viable, profitable and sustainable agricultural models for their surrounding growing communities. This not only means constantly improving but changing as markets do, as economics do and as consumers needs and desires do. Continue Reading…